Help Save Maryland...
Educating fellow Marylanders about  the financial, economic, social and educational costs of illegal immigration at the state and local level.

Trump Speaks to Supporters in Reno, NV

Our Maryland Tax Dollars At Work

Here we periodically highlight the lawless uses of our tax dollars on ridiculous programs and projects for illegal aliens in Maryland.
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Congressman says Maryland sheriff is too ‘anti-immigrant’ to work with ICE

By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times
- Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Maryland Democrat Congressman David Trone, who has a history of mental and drug abuse issues, thinks Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins is "too anti-immigrant" to work with ICE to detain, arrest and deport illegal aliens in Maryland.  What?  
No worries! - Democrat Congressman Trone is now running to be one of our Maryland Senators to Congress,  where he can further spread his "Love Illegals" mantra. 


Just What the Doctor Ordered - Healthcare for Pregnant Illegals in Maryland

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Better Start Building More Public Schools, Hospitals, and Jail Cells in Maryland as Illegal Aliens, thanks to the Democrat run state legislature, are being incentivized to have "citizen" babies at our expense!

News by "DCist",
the unofficial homepage of the D.C. area

Jun 30, 3:22 pm,

"Pregnant Non-Citizens In Maryland Are Eligible For Free Health Care Starting July 1"
"Effective July 1, thousands of pregnant people in Maryland – regardless of their immigration status – will become eligible for free comprehensive health care coverage."

"Non-citizens will now be able to enroll in the services from the moment they find out that they’re pregnant. Along with becoming eligible for both prenatal and postnatal care of up to four months postpartum, they will have access to mental health care. The coverage will also include dental, lab work, and prescription drug services without copays."

CLICK HERE to read the entire DCist article.


How much does this needless program cost Montgomery County, MD taxpayers?

"Two-Way Language Immersion", aka 'When You Can't Beat Them, Join Them'. 

A rapidly growing program by the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) system struggling with the tidal wave of non-English speaking lllegal Aliens arriving at our doorstep. While "somewhat helpful" to the flood of Spanish only speaking Elementary School level students, it forces our White, Asian and Black students to learn Math, Science, Social Studies and more, while being forced to use Spanish 1/2 the day and English the other 1/2.

Here is an MCPS propaganda video on the wonders of "Two-Way Language Immersion".  Oh the kids just love it (despite parents having no choice other than to pay private school tuition)!

No wonder Maryland school achievement test scores are plummeting. Can you imagine being a K-6 student trying to learn Math and Science, while at the same time having the class taught in Spanish?  It doesn't happen, no matter how much taxpayer funds you waste and fake news you crank out.

Look at Rolling Terrace Elementary in Takoma Park for example, to see the real problem.  79% of the students are Hispanic, with 6% White and 14% Black (what happened to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion?).  75% of the 79% are ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages).  95% of 79% get free breakfast/lunch.

There are so many illegals and anchor babies in Rolling Terrace that the desperate MCPS system is seemingly giving up on teaching English and are instead catering to the Spanish speakers, despite the negative impact on our children. This is a recipe for an educational implosion across the county and Maryland.

Guess what?  There are over 20 Elementary schools (and growing) in MoCo with majority Hispanic students as the Biden Administration keeps the Southern Border open!

See an unbiased video on the negative impact this growing program is having on our children.

How much does this needless program cost Montgomery County, MD taxpayers?



‘Grain of Sand’ Film Festival Showcased Climate Stories Ambassadors' Personal and Community Stories

Feb. 25, 2023 midnight

Grain of sand film festival
The "Grain of Sand" Film Festival (see news release) sponsored by the Montgomery County Government, utilized illegal aliens and their anchor babies to tell us stories about how "Climate Change" made them migrate to Maryland!  The illegals are shockingly called "Ambassadors" who tell us their sad tales of coming to Maryland.  You can't make this up! 
Gosh, I thought they were border jumpers and it was the County's sanctuary status, free social services, healthcare, housing, energy, and job assistance, in-state college tuition, drivers' licenses and more that caused these uninvited guests them to invade our communities.

How much did this needless program cost Montgomery County, MD taxpayers?

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