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Stephen miller speaks at inauguration eve trump rally in washington d.c.   1 19 25

FULL SPEECH: Stephen Miller Speaks at Inauguration Eve Trump Rally in Washington D.C. - 1/19/25

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Gov gregg abbot 3

Texas sets up billboards to shock and scare illegal migrants

December 20, 2024 | Frieda Powers, BizPacReview, Inc.
"Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced the launch of a new campaign to deter illegal border crossings using stark messages on billboards."

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Congressional research servide logo

Number of immigrants with Temporary Protected Status under Biden jumped 240% since 2021, data shows

By Steven Richards
Published: December 12, 2024 11:00pm

To read the article, click here Just the News
“The Biden administration’s massive expansion of use of the status has drawn criticisms suggesting it has worsened the migrant crisis and granted illegal immigrants de facto amnesty. More than a million immigrants have been granted TPS, data shows.”

A copy of the Congressional Research Service Report "Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Enforced Departure
Updated December 5, 2024" can be found here RS20844


Meet The New Border Czar

New York Post US News exclusive

Thousands of ICE officers to be reassigned from desk jobs as Trump vows to ‘flood’ sanctuary cities with agents

Published Nov. 14, 2024, 4:24 p.m. ET
Ice deportation
"The move would mean thousands of desk-bound ICE officers will soon be out making arrests of the millions of illegal immigrants who snuck across the besieged southern border and are now roaming American streets."
Read the Article from the New York Post

Trump: 'These are the new people in our country'

Former President Trump uses video to show the criminal impact some migrants have had on the nation under the Biden-Harris administration at at rally in Reno, Nevada.
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Video resurfaces of Harris chanting ‘down with deportation’ at 2018 parade with disgraced actor

Newly emerged footage shows then-Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., chanting "down, down with deportation" at a parade in Los Angeles in 2018 when she was pursuing more aggressively left-wing positions on immigration.
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It Begins… Migrant Thieves Raid NYC Warehouse

August 9, 2024
Raid warehouse 1024x576



New York City business owners fear there businesses won't survive the rampant shoplifting that has occurred since the start of the migrant crisis.
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Pbs trump biden debate

WATCH: Trump and Biden argue over their immigration records at CNN debate


PBS News
Politics Jun 27, 2024 11:03 PM EDT

Watch on PBS

Click Image to Watch

Joe Biden says women are raped by their in laws and sisters.

What are you talking about?

Take Our Border Back North America Alliance





If you wondered how all the millions of invaders arrive at our southern border, well fed and well clothed after traveling thousands of miles, this video exposes how the various organizations such as Doctors Without Borders, The Red Cross and many other organizations make it possible for millions of people to arrive at our southern border.  The plan, part of Agenda 2030, is to change the demographics of the United States into a Socialist country.   Thanks to Brian Austin of Wilmington for sharing this very important video.  Please share with all your contacts and  ask them to remember this video when they vote in 2024.   
Click on any image to watch the video
2024 01 08 12 42 13 greg abbott s plan to end the crisis at the border fox news video mozilla

Greg Abbott’s plan to ‘end the crisis at the border’

Fox News Sunday
January 07, 2024

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott tells ‘Fox News Sunday’ that migrants claiming asylum must only enter through legal ports of entry and says the Biden administration must ‘end’ their catch and release policy.

November 10, 2023
Contact: Carrie Simons-Sparrow, carrie.simons-sparrow@mlis.state.md.us

House Republicans Issue Statement Condemning
CASA de Maryland’s Antisemitic Comments

“We join colleagues and elected officials from across Maryland in expressing our revulsion at hurtful, intolerant, and antisemitic statements made recently by CASA de Maryland in social media postings and elsewhere. These statements appear to call into question the very right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state. Their words can only be inferred as tacit support for Hamas, a vile terrorist organization whose unspeakable acts of premeditated violence against Israeli civilians, including women and children, are the root cause of today’s conflict in Gaza.”

Download "Statement on CASA de Maryland Antisemitic Statements.pdf"

Montgomery perspective

Friedson Blasts CASA over Statement on Israel
November 7, 2023,3 Min Read

By Adam Pagnucco.


November 6, 2023
Statement from Council Vice-President Andrew Friedson

"The inflammatory and inaccurate statement by CASA is deeply offensive and hurtful."

"...the statement demonstrated a divisive disregard..."

Read the full article here
The patriot post   national security   emmy griffin (1)

An Insane Border Record

We just saw the highest number of illegal immigrant encounters for the month of September.

The Patriot Post / National Security / Emmy Griffin
October 24, 2023


Brad Botwin, MCGOP Committee Member and Help Save Maryland Chair spoke at the September Third Thursday meeting held at La Mex in Gaithersburg last week.

It was a packed house for the presentation about the overwhelming number of people taking advantage of the Biden Administration's open border policy. Third Thursday is held monthly, check this newsletter for the next events in your area.

“Midnight At The Border" | Running on Truth | Episode 2

Kennedy was opposed to Trump's wall.  After visiting the border he is now if favor of a wall! 

"Te unís o te morís" (You Join or You Die)

MS-13: "Te unís o te morís" | Tiroteo Made in USA

Te unís o te morís tiroteo made in usa
Explore the growing violence in the United States, its exponents and its causes through "Shooting Made in USA", a new documentary series from El Tiempo Latino.

El Tiempo Latino
Premiered Jun 2, 2023

Maryland's Illegal Immigration Problem and the Impacts - Brad Botwin & Karen Tully

Mr. Brad Botwin, Director of “Help Save Maryland”  discusses how open borders effects economic, financial and social issues in Maryland (particularly the school system.) Hosted by Patriot Club of America
2023 06 07 11 41 11 video hundreds attempt mass entry at bridge to u.s. borderreport mozilla fi

Top Stories

VIDEO: Hundreds attempt mass entry at bridge to U.S.
by: Associated Press
Posted: Mar 12, 2023 / 05:56 PM CDT
Updated: Apr 12, 2023 / 02:33 AM CDT

OFFICIAL BROADCAST: How Many More? Rally from Austin, Texas

How many more rally
Ted Nugent, Congressman Chip Roy, Lara Logan, CJ Pearson, Mark Meckler, and thousands of Texans are here to demand action to stop the wave of death and destruction coming from fentanyl and human trafficking as a result of the border crisis.



For Immediate Release                media@TheRemembranceProject.org


Another Political Attack Upon One of Our Strongest Sheriffs
Sheriff Charles Jenkins


The rememberance project logo
There are not many people who will dedicate their lives to protecting the lives of others and enter a battle wherein they are greatly over-powered and out-numbered.  But yet, these individuals choose to stand solidly in the gap between corruption and our families. This best describes Sheriff Charles "Chuck" Jenkins of Frederick County, Maryland.

Sheriff Jenkins has served the people since 2006 – 17 years of loyalty and service of placing the safety of Frederick County first.  He cooperates with the federal government through the 287g program to turn over criminal illegal aliens to I.C.E.  Jenkins has spoken against sanctuary jurisdictions for criminal illegal aliens, has testified before Congress on safety, supports parents whose children were murdered by criminal illegal aliens and correctly predicted that without a secure border every county will be ‘a border county.’  Jenkins also said that Biden’s immigration actions will make the U.S. less safe – and he was correct, once again.
Last week Sheriff Jenkins was “politically targeted” by what looks to be an attempt to tarnish his good name, good work, and because he cannot be beaten at the ballot box; much like the increasingly-popular former President Donald Trump.

The parallel to this political targeting is blaringly obvious to what is happening to President Trump.  If Donald Trump supports you, then you become a target, especially if you were endorsed by Trump. Sheriff Jenkins also participated in a number of roundtable discussions and press conferences with President Trump.

Sheriff Jenkins was cooperating with Biden’s DOJ and the ATF for approximately year, when he was blind-sided by U.S. Attorney Erek Barron in what looks to be a politically motivated sham indictment.  The corrupt tentacles of this administration no longer attempt to hide the corruption.  So, who is Erek Barron?
It is clear. Political targeting is happening and can and must be stopped by We the People before our Constitution is completely shredded.
Sheriffs are truly “our last line of defense.”  Help defend our freedoms by voicing your support for Sheriff Chuck Jenkins by:  sharing this release, call your local radio stations and demand your senators and congressmen to investigate and stop the rogue ATF, FBI and DOJ from terrorizing citizens.  Speak up now while we are still allowed our first amendment rights.
Last year, TRP had the privilege of interviewing Sheriff Jenkins.
This man is a stalwart defender of American's freedoms.
The Remembrance Project
Is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.
All donations are Tax-Deductible and unlimited.

The Remembrance Project
P.O. Box 440548
Houston, TX  77244-0548

Border Deception: How the US and UN Are Quietly Running the Border Crisis

"what use is a wall if the migrant crisis is being facilitated by the United Nations working with NGOs...with Border Patrol and Law Enforcement funneling migrants into the system..."

Can you say "IOM"?
2023 06 07 15 32 23 border deception how the us and un are quietly running the border crisis mozi

Border Deception: How the US and UN Are Quietly Running the Border Crisis

In this investigative report, Crossroads host Joshua Philipp tours both sides of the U.S.–Mexico border to uncover what’s really behind the “Border Deception.”


Tags:  Economy
Keywords:  Spending

Casa logo
A prominent activist organization across Montgomery County and the state of Maryland is CASA de Maryland.

"...since 2018, CASA has been on a gravy train of funding."

March 11, 2023
Clean Slate MoCo

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The City of El Paso, TX is on the frontlines of the Biden Administration self-created, Illegal Immigration Invasion.  Directly across the border sits the Mexican City of Juarez, rated the 9th most dangerous city in the world.  Hundreds and hundreds of illegals pour across from Juarez into El Paso on a daily basis.  The situation is so bad that the City of El Paso created an online "Migrant Situational Awareness Dashboard" to monitor the invasion. 
Migrant situational awareness dashboard header
The dashboard tracks Border Patrol encounters and releases, illegals in custody, hotel operations, shelter staff, transportation to shelters/hotels vs. Airport /Buses, charters to NYC and Chicago, totals costs and more.  It has the feel of a War Room and unfortunately the United States is not doing well. Keep in mind that is just El Paso!

"World's Most Murderous Cities"

Our most murderous cities:
8. New Orleans
17. Baltimore
23. Detroit
25. Memphis
27. Cleveland
39. Milwaukee
46. Philadelphia